In the event our office is directly impacted by COVID19, we anticipate at times we may be short staffed which will unfortunately impact our patients.

During these times, we understand it may be difficult to contact our rooms as we will only have limited resources to answer phones and respond to emails.   We ask all patients to please be understanding and respectful towards our staff as we manage these difficult times.

We ask that before you ring our rooms you firstly check and read any emails that have been sent from our rooms regarding your referral, appointment or surgery. Our correspondence contains all the information you require for your appointments and surgery.

Thank you to everyone for your support and patience as we navigate through this period.


Face masks must be worn in our office by patients and visitors.

Please do not attend our office if you meet the following criteria:

  • If you or an immediate household member are in quarantine or home isolation.
  • If you have been in contact with someone who is suspected of, or confirmed as having Coronavirus or awaiting results of a COVID19 test.
  • If you or your immediate household members have been generally unwell with flu- like symptoms, fever or cough or if you are awaiting results from a COVID19 test.

Please seek medical attention via your GP if you are generally unwell (but phone ahead if you suspect you are infectious or have had possible contact with coronavirus) or contact National Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080